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“Martin is not only one of the most talented engineer I was lucky enough to work with, Martin understands product and pro-actively suggests ideas for growth and engagement.”

Frédéric della Faille, founder and designer at Checkthis/Frontback

I am a computer science PhD turned into web/mobile developer by the love of code. What I love about programming is solving people problems while creating things out of thin air.

I have an extensive experience bringing software products from concepts to production, as well on the backend or as an iOS or Android developer. I also know my way around Javascript frontend quite well.

I am the CTO of Bluesquare.

You can contact me at:

I am active on lots of web communities, most importantly:

If you are looking for information about the research that I did during my PhD, your best bet is probably Google Scholar but you can also find some information on my old university homepage


I have done lots of different development projects since I started working in private companies in 2008. Here are some of them:

  1. IASO a platform used in global health (in particular for the digitalization of campaigns) to
    1. manage master list of facilities (these are actually trees, but everybody calls them lists.)
    2. collect data connected to these facilities offline through an Android mobile application
    3. analyse (and export) the collected data in a dedicated data science environment
  2. Trypelim: a platform made of an Android app and a Django/Python/React web dashboard, used in DR Congo to track and manage the progress in the elimination of Sleeping Sickness
  3. Lexicolor a fast paced word game for two players on the same iOS device.
  4. Instaply for iOS: the iOS client of Instaply, an app for customer service through text messaging. I also have been responsible their SDK, data warehouse, and open API at some point.
  5. Matchador a silly little matching game for iPhone. Nevertheless one of the Mobile Games of the Year according to Le Soir.
  6. Fotolia Instant : a mobile app that allows you to put your smartphone pictures for sale on Fotolia stock photography market. I worked both on the iOS and Android version.
  7. Frontback : the deceptively simple photo sharing app for iPhone, to show you and what you see. Downloaded millions of times already.
  8. Checkthis for iPhone : a beautifully simple iPhone app for publishing/mobile blogging, with lots of social features.
  9. : a simple shift scheduling system for physicians working in hospitals.
  10. : an interactive visualization of the population pyramids of all the countries of the world, based on open data released by the UN.
  11. : an interactive visualization of communities of migrants in the whole world.
  12. : the website of a democratic innovations event that took place in Belgium
  13. Viking Talk: the iOS VOIP application that I have been working on for the first half of 2012
  14. ShowYouLikeIt: a startup project that failed, but that you can still glimpse at here